= Joy . Love . Peace =


Mission Statement: In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna tells Arjuna -

The Vedic Scriptures tell of the three constituents of life - the Qualities. Rise above all of them, O Arjuna, above all the pairs of opposing sensations; be steady in truth, free from worldly anxieties and centred in the Self.

Thereafter, He says -

The soul who meditates on the Self is content to serve the Self and rests satisfied within the Self; there remains nothing more for him to accomplish.

Svayam stands for the Self.

Not myself, himself, herself, themselves..but just the Self.

The Self, is our true and natural state. One may also call it ‘Being’.

It is what we are without any name tags, labels, designations, titles etc.

It is the essence of who we are and the only reality of our existence.

Everything else is either temporary, passing, imposed, changeable and momentary and hence, is not an absolute truth.

The Narrative: In the fast, frantic and hurrying world of today, there is little time or focus we give to the Self.

It remains mostly an unknown word and yet is the very core of our existence. We are lost in various non-realities that the world shows or thrusts upon us; and we believe them all to be true as this is the conditioning we have grown up with and which we believe to be our only reality.

This alignment to the changeable aspect of our being only leads to further illusion and binding; and if our prime focus continues to lie in the dimension of the changeable, we can never be free - in the true sense.

We also see that there is great disparity and conflict in the present day world due to an overload of social, political and religious beliefs; leading to fixed and rigid thinking, thereby resulting in inflexible life patterns and systems: most of which are driven by power, money and self-motivated objectives, which makes the individual entity more bound than free.

It is like a continuous, vicious circle which eventually drains us of our peace, balance and sensibilities.

The common man or human being appears to be left out of the world equation most of the time in this mad rush to establish correctness, right, title and supremacy; all aspects being variants of the human ego.

The world of today needs an immediate change and this change can only happen inside-out i.e. by generating a change from within, which can only take place if the focus is shifted from the individual or the collective to the very source of existence - which is the Self.

Svayam and all those associated with it, endeavours to steer clear of the confining and limiting systems and patterns of thinking, feeling and acting, which no longer serve the human cause.

Svayam brings forth, through this initiative, different spiritually-based perspectives and initiatives founded on simple human principles and basic common sense, using the background of love, compassion, truth, universality and one-ness.

Svayam also sees a responsibility in bringing the core aspect of humanity to the fore and providing present and future generations a totally different perspective to life - one which is which is devoid of inequality, comparison and inter-personal conflict.

Purpose: To create and bring a diverse quality of spiritual awareness of the all-pervading Self to the human being.

Provide a different insight to those who may be seeking a different perspective, understanding and awareness beyond one-dimensional and limited dogmatic teachings and rituals which only make us more God-fearing instead of God-loving; bound to set patterns of thinking and living.

Svayam also seeks to focus on the young - impressionable youth through various kinds of simple and easy to comprehend awareness programs.

It may use basic aspects of wise counsel and spiritual teaching in a simplified form to all who choose to align with the core principles outlined in our mission statement.

In essence: awareness through examples, parables and down to earth teachings which are easily understood would also be created.

Svayam is a Non Profit Initiative: set up purely as a service based intention towards humanity as a whole.

Further information, events, courses: svayam.one@gmail.com